Pipeline Equities
PO Box 571977
Houston, Texas 77257
Phone: 713-623-0690

Pipeline Recovery

excavation & removal

Damage Assessment

of easements

Pipeline Appraisal

pipeline property valuation

Tips For Buying A Property With Pipeline Easements

A pipeline easement agreement provides a company with the authority to utilize a stretch of land to build, uphold, and manage pipelines.

Purchasing a property that includes a pipeline easement entails specific legal and practical considerations. Legal counsel can assist you in making a well-informed decision about the pipeline easement on your property – safeguarding the property and its associated rights. If you have future ideas about the property’s usage, you’ll want to ensure that those ideas are allowed within the constraints of the easement agreement before you sign. 

The pipeline easement agreement makes sure that the pipeline company has the right to access and use the easement for pipeline-related activities and you retain ownership of the land subject to its outlined restrictions.  You could continue using your property for farming or other purposes. 

Landowners get compensated for granting a pipeline easement on their land. It can be transferred to a new landowner if requested. The size of the easement, the nature of the pipeline, prevailing market conditions, and local regulations determine the payouts either a lump sum payment, ongoing payments, or a hybrid of both options.

Determine how the pipeline easement might affect your use of the property. Easements can vary in size and scope, so you need to know which areas are affected and what activities are restricted. You’ll want to do your due diligence on the pipeline itself to better understand the nature of the pipeline and its purpose. Is it an active pipeline? What materials does it transport? Is it part of a larger network? This information can help you assess potential risks and benefits.

Pipelines can have environmental impacts, and pipeline companies are often required to adhere to environmental regulations and best practices during the construction and operation of pipelines. Easement agreements may also include provisions related to land restoration after construction.

You’ll want to assess the impact on your property value. Properties with easements might be less attractive to some buyers due to restrictions on land use. Others may like what your easement agreement offers. Consult with specialized real estate professionals to estimate any potential impact on the property’s resale value. A good contract will clearly define who is responsible for maintaining the pipeline and help you understand the liability implications in case of accidents or issues related to the pipeline. 

Easements might restrict your ability to make changes to the land that could impact the pipeline’s integrity or the environment. Ensure you are aware of any environmental regulations or restrictions related to the easement. Think about speaking with insurance professionals to understand if additional coverage is needed due to the presence of the pipeline. This might include liability coverage in case of accidents related to the pipeline.  If you haven’t yet purchased the property, you may have some room for negotiation with the seller regarding the terms of the easement. This could include seeking compensation for the restrictions on land use.

Easement agreements may specify conditions under which the easement can be terminated or the pipeline removed, possibly due to factors such as changes in technology, changes in the need for the pipeline, or the end of the pipeline’s useful life.

Contact us about your pipeline easement situation!

pipeline recovery

Request a complimentary Pipeline Recovery Manual

Fill out the short form below to receive our Pipeline Recovery Manual.

Pipeline Recovery Manual

A complete guide to the business of recovering out of use pipelines

Sign up for our free newsletter to receive your complimentary copy of our Pipeline Recovery Manual that explains our entire process for recovering or salvaging idled or abandoned pipelines.

You will see how we deal with landowners regarding notification and recordings. How to draft a contract of sale with models by: Exxon, Texaco, Koch and others and pictures showing actual work in process.

The manual shows Pipeline Equities job references, right of way releases, agreements and the history and background of Pipeline Equities and managing partner David Howell. These references touch on parts of the six million feet of line removed or handled by the company over the past twenty years.

A line pipe table describing various weights, grades, and pressure ratings of ERW and seamless line pipe is included. This section is an indispensable tool for anyone doing operational word with line pipe.

Also included are extensive glossaries of pipe, pipeline, and right of way terms.

pipeline appraisal

Request a complimentary Pipeline Appraisal Handbook

Fill out this short form and you will be sent a confirmation link to our Newsletter. Once you click the link you will be subscribed to our newsletter and taken to a page where you can download the Pipeline Appraisal Handbook.

Pipeline Appraisal Handbook

The Definitive How-To Guide on Establishing Values for Pipelines

This handbook written by David Howell, managing partner of Pipeline Equities is the basic text of any pipeline valuation. All of the essential factors for establishing the value of a pipeline are discussed along with exclusive proprietary formulas and tables essential to a certified appraisal.

Also included are 32 pages of pipe weight and grades tables that cover virtually any situation which might be encountered regarding line pipe requirements. Additionally you’ll find an extensive glossary of pipe, pipeline and right of way terminology is part of the Handbook.

Subjects include: Replacement, Right of Way, Surface Inventory, Throughput, Salvage/Recovery, and comparable sales histories to name a few of the basic factors of pipeline appraisal.

The author recognized a need for a report or “how to” manual for properly appraising pipelines and pipeline right of ways. Currently the work is being done by accounting firms, engineers, and real estate appraisers.

This handbook draws from 45 years of experience.

Howell has forty-five years experience in many sectors of the petroleum industry from drilling contractor and oil and gas operator to pipe and supply distribution throughout the world. He has published Tradex Equipment magazine, the Whole World Oil Directory, and the Texas Oil Register.

For the past twenty years, Howell has been almost exclusively engaged in pipeline sales and acquisition, appraisal, removal for salvage, environmental remediation and general pipeline operations.

Howell currently serves on board of the Pipeline Appraisal Institute and is a member of the International Right of Way Association. Howell is a graduate of Texas A&M University – Kingsville and a native of Alice, Texas. He is currently residing in Houston and is the managing partner of Pipeline Equities.